SQL Planner 1.0.0

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SQL Planner is a helper tool for database administrators whose working environment of choice is SQL Server. Relying on a web-based interface, this application enables DBAs to monitor the server’s health and create database backups with ease.
SQL Server Monitor and Analytics
- Monitor SQL Server On Premise , VM in Cloud , Linux
- Analyze SQL Server Performance
- Receive Alerts
- Access from Any Device

SQL Backup
SQL Database Backup and Restore
-SQL Server Backup complete solution
-Backup File complete validation
-Auto Restore to Test server to reduce Prod. IO Load
-Refresh Data Automation

SQL Server Index Fragmentation
Index Analysis and Defragment
- Analyze Index Fragmentation
- Select Few or All Index and Defragment
- Automation

Index fragmentation
Scripting Automation
-Generate Few or All Objects Script
-Select Schema / Data / both
-Solution to Table level backup.
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support for oracle needed

support for oracle needed
Roy, 25.06.2021, 18:32